Remember the old fashion means of sending faxes using machines? I’d like to let you know that the fax machine recently marked its 175th year of existence. Nonetheless, people are still sending billions of faxes annually. The service has witnessed technological advancements that widened the available means of faxing. If you check online, you’ll notice that faxing has sensible benefits, especially online fax services. Despite the significant steps in digital communication, some old tech remains beneficial. However, services like e-fax have managed to improve fax services making the experience of sending faxes better than before.
Here are some of the advantages of e-fax that you deserve to know.
1. Cost-Efficient
If you have ever owned or do own a fax machine, you are aware of the required maintenance costs. If you send numerous faxes, you have probably experienced paper getting stuck in the fax machine. A problem like that is bound to cost money to get fixed.
With e-fax, you do not have all these aspects, stressing your mind. You do not require any cartridges, papers, and there is no need for power cables and wires. All you need is a digital device like a smartphone, laptop, or tablet, and you’re set. You avoid spending cash on maintenance costs or paying high electric bills because of high power consumption contributed by fax machines.
2. Completely Secure
Safety happens to be one of the prime reasons that people are still sending conventional faxes. You will easily find news and reports of individuals having their emails hacked. On the other hand, you are less likely to hear a case of hacked faxes. E-fax does send information over the internet; however, it utilizes a secure connection that offers security and privacy depending on the user’s preference. Faxes allow you to send confidential data and documents without any fear of having the information without infiltration of the information you send. Keep in mind that online faxing and email are completely different technologies.
3. Time-Efficient
If you aim to enhance productivity in the office, you will have to switch from old means of sending faxes and opt for the online alternatives. The fax machines are old and without a doubt, come with some limitations, especially in this era. Do you know that the average staff spends up to fifteen seconds walking to the fax machine? If you are sending twenty faxes using the machine, you will be spending 11 hours annually. This time is saved when you switch to online fax services. People can send faxes without leaving their seats.
4. It’s Eco- Friendly
We have all seen and heard the alarming news on climate change and the need to conserve the environment. By eliminating the use of papers, e-fax proves to be a deserving option because of this eco-friendly aspect. Of course, there are more benefits I’ve not covered. However, I’m sure the four aforementioned benefits are enough to influence your choices next time you think of sending a fax.